• Taking optimal care of a lemon tree involves examining your tree monthly. In fact, the lemon tree shows in a very short time that its health is declining. It would be unfortunate if you miss an action that causes your lemon tree to give signs of stress, in the form of losing or discoloring leaves, no fruiting occurs or there are blossoms but they fall off.  
  • Pruning lemon trees can be quite a complicated job. But with the right guidelines, it's great to experience how the fruit tree responds to your intervention. There are rules and terms used in the pruning world. That's the reason I wrote the Pruning Guide specifically for Lemon Trees to provide explanations with matching illustrations and photos so you can read and understand the instructions easier. Proper pruning of a lemon tree improves not only its overall health and productivity, but also to keep diseases and pests at bay. With these guidelines, you have a good foundation for healthy growth development of your citrus tree that will give an abundance of lemons. After ordering, you will find a link in the email that allows you to download the digital Pruning Guide in a pdf file immediately.
  • This new, digital Guide First Aid for Lemon Trees contains advice and tips on such things as pruning, location of the lemon tree in summer and winter, repotting, fertilizing, watering, etc. and this advice will save you a lot of time and enjoyment because it is efficiently written with matching photos and images. Moreover, you can apply all actions immediately. You will notice results within just a few weeks. I receive many comments that people are so happy with the results after effective treatment, which of course makes me happy too. With the guide, I rely on adequate and quick help for making your lemon tree better. I am sure you will benefit from it. Once you create a good foundation, your lemon tree will grow and give lemons in abundance.
  • As a citrus lover, you would very much like to have the Allimone Lemon eCalendar in your possession so that you always have the information you need at hand. It provides fun stories and anecdotes, but more importantly, you will learn what basic monthly needs need to be considered for optimal care of your beloved citrus tree. This calendar will keep your Lemon Tree healthy for 12 months! Many citrus lovers have gone before you and saved their cutting, plant or tree. Be prepared so your tree doesn't get sick or bullied by teasing critters. And you can start picking out tasty recipes in advance.
  • You can choose which advice is most important to you at this time. If you notice pests living on your tree, about support when pruning, choosing a location in the garden, or how much water or what nutrition to give, I can assist you in taking care for your citrus tree. For Lemon tree care advice, I study photos of your complete Lemon tree, leaves, branches, blossoms, lemons, the soil, pot or tub and describe the status of your Lemon tree. In addition, I need the answers you gave to my questionnaire to find out where your Lemon Tree is located in the garden or on the patio, where it will be in winter and some questions about feeding etc. You will then receive a comprehensive 5/6 page advice document with tips and what actions you can take to improve the health of your citrus tree. This useful information can also be found in the Allimone Lemon eCalendar, but even more comprehensive with photos and information for your lemon tree as it grows over time and requires different applications.
  • As a citrus lover, you would very much like to have the Allimone Lemon eCalendar in your possession so that you always have the information you need at hand. It provides fun stories and anecdotes, but more importantly, you will learn what basic monthly needs need to be considered for optimal care of your beloved citrus tree. This Lemon eCalendar will keep your Lemon tree healthy for 12 months! Many citrus lovers have gone before you and saved their cutting, plant or tree. Be prepared so your tree doesn't get sick or bullied by teasing critters. And you can start picking out tasty recipes in advance.
  • Ben je nieuwsgierig naar de energetische werking van fruit? Wat fruit je nog meer kan bieden dan voedingsstoffen voor je lichaam? In 2022 ontwikkelde ik een Fruitorakel. Hiermee doe ik fruitboomleggingen voor mensen die zijn geïnteres-seerd in bewustzijnsgroei en beter willen voelen en begrijpen waarom ze zijn wie ze zijn om beter te kunnen werken aan het manifesteren van hun doelen. De fruitboom ‘is’. Hij groeit en is volledig in dit moment. Een fruitboom vervult zijn intentie en manifesteert: groeien, met de seizoenen en daarmee omgaan met allerlei uitdagingen, aangeven wanneer hij voeding en verzorging nodig heeft, bloeien, zichzelf ontwikkelen tot een gezonde, vruchtbare boom en uiteindelijk de vruchten geven waarvoor hij op aarde is gekomen. Hij weet welke boom hij is en welke vruchten hij zal schenken. Zijn doel is helder vanaf het allereerste begin. Fruitbomen doen er alles aan om voor ons mooie, smaakvolle, zoete en kleurrijke vruchten te maken. Voor fruitbomen is een vrucht de vervulling, de manifestatie!
  • Fruitorakel

    In de weelderig bloeiende en vruchtbare botanische tuin is het Fruitorakel rijp om geplukt te worden! De gehele cyclus van het zaadje tot aan de vrucht is voltooid. Dit unieke fruitorakel bestaat uit 45 inzichtkaarten verrijkt met zeldzame 18e eeuwse botanische afbeeldingen en een boekje. De kaarten verbinden je met het verleidelijke spectrum van kleuren en vormen van zorgvuldig geselecteerde fruitsoorten. Een orakel dat je elke dag kunt raadplegen voor jouw bewustzijnsgroei en het bewust vergroten van jouw manifestatiekracht. Of wat dacht je van een mindful moment voor jezelf tijdens je ochtendroutine. Welke vrucht geeft je net die voeding die je op dat moment nodig hebt.
  • Cooking connects family members and friends and is at the heart of every social event in Italy. It has been officially established that out of all the world, Italians are the most passionate about cooking, eating and drinking. Italians cook a lot and prefer to make their own homemade dishes. Limoncello is one of them.

    "Limoncello is a bright, yellow and sweet and sour Italian lemon liqueur produced mainly in southern Italy, around the Gulf of Naples, the Amalfi Coast and the island of Capri. Later in this Guide, I introduce you to the land of Lemons and Limoncello through a self-made and curated car trip through the Campania Peninsula. Traditionally, Limoncello is made with organic lemons from the Sorrento area, but other lemons from Sicily and from around Rome can also be used. Limoncello's alcohol content varies between 25 and 38 percent. Limoncello is one of the most favorite liqueurs in the world.

    To revive our memories or gain new experiences, Allimone has written a wonderful "Guide Make Your Own Limoncello." Limoncello made from an Italian family recipe. (I included the handwritten recipe in Italian from a friend / restaurant owner). Form a group and make Limoncello together, it will be even more fun. Get started with it and you will find it delectable, cin cin!
  • Lemon tree care workshop on location in Rotterdam. If you want to book a different location, click the Request Other Location button. During this workshop, we will obviously treat your citrus tree and see what is needed to improve its condition or health. After attending the workshop, you will receive for free the Allimone Lemon eCalendar and the Year Calendar for Lemon Trees. Is a date already scheduled and would you like to participate? Book this workshop and you will be contacted. Many lemon tree owners have gone before you and went home extremely excited to get started right away with the knowledge and tools they gained. Note: Please check your advertising/spam mailbox immediately after your order and payment, as the confirmation email may end up there.
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