Workshop citrus tree care for 1 person in Rotterdam, on location or online.

The workshop will be given by me, Monique Verhoeff, Lemon expert.
I have more than 10 years of experience taking care of Lemon trees, also in Italy.
Talking about it with other Lemon enthusiasts and giving tips and smart advice is what I enjoy doing the most.

After this workshop you will have a thorough basic knowledge of how to care for a Lemon Tree ecologically in the Dutch climate.

During this 2-hour workshop you will learn the basic techniques:

  • growth process of the Lemon
  • grow with lemon seedling or cutting
  • grafting cuttings
  • winter/summer pruning and tools needed
  • position in the garden in summer and overwintering
  • fertilize and pollinate
  • water and nutrients
  • pests

I also inform you about many fruity topics, books, pictures, videos and addresses of interesting locations in the Netherlands and abroad.

Standard I give lemon tree care workshops in Rotterdam.
But I am happy to come and give a workshop at your garden or kitchen table, then we will get to work on your Citrus tree right away. Alternative is an on-line workshop.

TIP: a Lemon workshop as a gift.
A workshop is fun to give as a surprise gift to a new Lemon lover or for a group of gardening friends.
We make it a fresh and educational workshop with an Italian touch.

The Allimone eCitro calendar is writtenfor Lemon Tree owners who want to keep their tree healthy and well cared for.
It will be provided free of charge to participants of this workshop.

Would you like to order these separately with personal advice for your citrus tree, that is also possible.
Or do you just want the Allimone eCitro calendar order.
