Printed version – Allimone Lemon eCalendar


As a citrus lover, you would very much like to have the Allimone Lemon eCalendar in your possession so that you always have the information you need at hand.
It provides fun stories and anecdotes, but more importantly, you will learn what basic monthly needs need to be considered for optimal care of your beloved citrus tree.

This Lemon eCalendar will keep your Lemon tree healthy for 12 months!
Many citrus lovers have gone before you and saved their cutting, plant or tree.
Be prepared so your tree doesn’t get sick or bullied by teasing critters.
And you can start picking out tasty recipes in advance.

This is a printed version of the Allimone Lemon eCalendar, created as a 50-page eBook with useful information about the Lemon, its origins, the many species and varieties and actions for caring for your citrus tree. Features beautiful images and interesting quotes.
There are 12 pages for each month, when to feed the plant, repot, how much soil to use, when to prune, when to bring the citrus tree inside and outside, what is the best location in your garden or balcony etc.
Also included with the Lemon eCalendar is the Year Calendar for Lemon Trees which gives an overview of the tasks and actions you take each month.

From now on, in each month, you’ll know what you can do to keep your healthy citrus tree growing and thriving and picking juicy lemons.
Moreover, there are beautiful locations with orangeries in the Netherlands and Europe that you can visit, and several of them are listed in the Lemon eCalendar.

If you currently need help quickly and are unsure how and when to prune, when to pick the lemons and in what soil to plant the lemon tree, it is wise to order personalized advice to ensure you get off to a good start. Click here.

Additional information

Printed version

This is the printed version of the Lemon eCalendar.




The texts were written by Monique Verhoeff

Comprehensive information

organic nutrients and biological products for pest control
addresses where you can buy lemon trees, terracotta pots, heat lamps, greenhouses, pruning tools, etc.
addresses for visiting orangeries and events around citrus at home and abroad.

Year Calendar

annual overview with the actions processed in the 12 months

Allimone's effective pruning method

Allimone describes pruning in a simple and self-conceived way that is easy for any lemon tree owner to understand and apply immediately.


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